Filkins talks a lot about Iraqis being resentful of their country being occupied.
He comes back to this theme so often that it's gotten me thinking about the invasion in a different way: one of the causes of the insurgency and general opposition to the American presence may have been a purely emotional response (as opposed to political, ideological and/or religious responses, which I have no doubt also played huge roles) that was rooted in wounded ego.
I imagine this is/was particularly true for Iraqi men - as a male, I know the role of ego in contributing to the way I respond to certain things, and based on conversations with women I don't think it plays as big a role for them.
I have not heard commentators talk specifically about ego, but it seems like ego is such a powerful motivator that - particularly when presented with armed invaders/intruders/arrivers from a completely foreign culture - it must trigger an enormous desire to "stand strong" and demonstrate that you can handle your own affairs just fine without outside help.
He comes back to this theme so often that it's gotten me thinking about the invasion in a different way: one of the causes of the insurgency and general opposition to the American presence may have been a purely emotional response (as opposed to political, ideological and/or religious responses, which I have no doubt also played huge roles) that was rooted in wounded ego.
I imagine this is/was particularly true for Iraqi men - as a male, I know the role of ego in contributing to the way I respond to certain things, and based on conversations with women I don't think it plays as big a role for them.
I have not heard commentators talk specifically about ego, but it seems like ego is such a powerful motivator that - particularly when presented with armed invaders/intruders/arrivers from a completely foreign culture - it must trigger an enormous desire to "stand strong" and demonstrate that you can handle your own affairs just fine without outside help.