Thursday, April 9, 2009

Criticism of Obama as a Mortgage Salesman

Of all people, Dana Milbank is writing some of the most critical pieces about Obama right now (of course, the right wing commentariat keeps up a steady flow of anti-Obama articles, but most of the middle-of-the-road writers who I admire seem reluctant to say anything too critical at this early stage of his Presidency).

I posted a few weeks ago (here) about his sarcastic take on Obama jumping into the car warranty business.

Now, Milbank's got a similar article (it's here) that uses Obama's own words about the federal government's mortgage assistance program to paint a picture of Obama cheapening the office by acting like a slickster mortgage salesman.

191. Are any other media outlets pursuing Milbank? He seems to me like the Post's most valuable editorial asset at the moment - his writing is very readable and -- as exemplified by the above -- quite insightful.