Meanwhile, the debate about health care reform continues to dominate the news, and it does not seem that the Democrats have yet recovered momentum. A couple of perspectives from this morning's Post:
- Ruth Marcus (here) says that Chuck Grassley is the last hope for a bipartisan bill. Grassley is 75 years old and is nervous about a Republican primary challenger in his re-election bid next year, but he's been working on health care for a number of years and is also personally close to Max Baucus. Marcus says that Grassley is being pressured by Mitch McConnell and Jon Kyl not to cooperate with the Democrats; however, he's got an independent streak and she seems to think he still might break ranks. I doubt it.
- Michael Gerson (here) emphasizes that Obama's problem is a lack of public support, and he says that this problem stems from most people being (generally) satisfied with the status of their health care: "Because there are vastly more people inside the current health-care system than outside of it, the majority tends to be risk-averse and suspicious of efforts that might benefit the minority at their expense." Gerson also says that seniors realize any cost-savings in the current system will likely come from cuts to Medicare, which makes them oppose reform. This point of analysis -- that seniors are against broad-based reform of the system -- is being made more and more often the past couple of weeks.