I've recently downloaded "Unknown Caller," "Magnificent," and "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight." I'm interested as U2 is playing Scott Stadium in October.
These are good songs, and I can tell they are growing on me as a I listen to them, although none of the three completely grabbed me and made me want to repeat endlessly, as new songs sometimes do. There's definitely a tinge of The Unforgettable Fire in the background (the steady guitar and beat), but there's also an element of the theme song from Gangs of New York, which seems to be something of a stand-by for U2 in the past 5-7 years.
"Unknown Caller" explores technology and the emotional reaction to it. I'm not clear what the message is supposed to be, but I like Bono's emphatic "Shush now" and other lines:
Restart and reboot yourself
You’re free to go
Shout for joy if you get the chance
Password, you, enter here, right now
You know your name so punch it in
Hear me, cease to speak that I may speak
Shush now
Gloriana is a new pop country band, along the lines of Sugarland. Very pop, though I guess "officially" country for Billboard and radio-play purposes. "Wild at Heart" is cheesy for sure but also upbeat and catchy. The name Gloriana cracks me up -- it seems like a name that a mockumentary for a cheesy-pop-country group would come up with!