Phoenix is a band from the suburbs of Paris; I first heard their song Lisztomania during the summer. Lisztomania is from Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, which is their fourth album (it was released in May of this year).
Here's an excerpt from Leah Greenblatt's review of the album from Entertainment Weekly:
"Frontman Thomas Mars — perhaps best known to coastal hipsters and film fanatics as the companion of director Sofia Coppola — croons urbanely over thumping percussion, airy disco flutters, and the occasional raucous guitar riff."The term "Lisztomania" refers to a phenomenon describing the intense enthusiasm that Franz Liszt's piano performances generated among his audiences.
I liked Lisztomania. I really like 1901, which I discovered this morning (I am developing a fun routine of looking for music on Saturday mornings).
1901 is tremendously catchy, and the beat-switch on the line "It's 20 seconds till the last call" makes me want to get right up and dance.
I also like the way Phoenix's music is difficult to categorize - it's unique and fresh. I do not have a clue what the lyrics mean, but I like switching back and forth between songs where I can gather some meaning from the lyrics and others where it's just words and music. Here's an excerpt from 1901:
Counting all different ideas drifting away
Past and present -- they don't matter.
Now the future's sorted out
Watch, you're moving in elliptical pattern
Think it's not what you say
What you say is way too complicated
For a minute thought I couldn't tell how to fall out.
It's 20 seconds 'til the last call, going "hey hey hey hey hey hey"
Past and present -- they don't matter.
Now the future's sorted out
Watch, you're moving in elliptical pattern
Think it's not what you say
What you say is way too complicated
For a minute thought I couldn't tell how to fall out.
It's 20 seconds 'til the last call, going "hey hey hey hey hey hey"