Saturday, December 26, 2009

Albemarle County: Ken Boyd Versus Ann Mallek for the Supervisors' Chair?

Brandon Shulleeta breaks the story in today's Daily Progress (here) that Ken Boyd may mount a campaign to break protocol and become the Chair of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors in January.

David Slutzky was the Chair this past year and -- had he been re-elected -- would have had a year remaining in that role.

Since Slutzky was defeated, Ann Mallek is in line to become the new Chair, since she is the current Vice Chair (and tradition/protocol holds that the Vice Chair succeeds to the Chair).

According to Shulleeta, however, Boyd has indicated he's "willing to accept" the Chairmanship if it's offered to him. Presumably, the votes line up as 3 for Boyd (Boyd, Thomas, and Snow) and 2 for Mallek (Mallek and Rooker), with Lindsay Dorrier the unknown.

Ann Mallek
This is a fascinating start to what promises to be a contentious year of County politics!!

Lindsay Dorrier will be the crucial swing vote on any number of issues (the Ben Nelson of Albemarle County!). If the Republicans are serious about installing Boyd as the Board Chair, then it appears they're going to be quite aggressive in changing the current direction of County policy.


Boyd must be calcuating that serving as Chair during the Republican primary increases his chances for the 5th District nomination, but it's interesting that he'd be willing to stir the political pot right at the beginning of the year as opposed to -- for instance -- working on building his support in southwest Virginia.

Ken Boyd
Speaking of the 5th District race, it got front-page coverage in the Post on December 22 (the article is here); it's definitely going to be an interesting year for politics and tracking the public's mood.