Both Kurt Warner and Aaron Rodgers played amazingly (pinpoint spirals that were led just right), as did their receivers (Greg Jennings' one-handed catch for a touchdown was a thing of beauty). Warner was 29 of 33 for 379 yards and 5 touchdowns (Wilbon this morning: "Try and find the last time a quarterback threw more touchdowns than incompletions"). Rodgers led a masterful comeback after the Packers were down 31-10.
If I could have any quarterback in the league for the next ten years, I'd definitely take Rodgers. The guy's poise -- and his ability to scramble -- are awesome. And watching Warner last night was just special - I can't quite think of the right analogy but it must have to do with Rembrandt or Galileo at work in late-prime.
Dad and I had telephone conversations that bookended the game: the first lamented the blowouts of the weekend (the Cowboys crushed the Eagles on Saturday, and Baltimore got up 24-0 on the Patriots and never looked back), but during the second we reveled in the excitement of one of the great games of all time.