We just went for a walk down to McIntire Park and looked at all of the amazing trees. I've been noticing recently the huge number of dogwoods in Charlottesville and thinking that they are one of the things that make this place very special.
Another thing that makes it special: the Ten Miler, which was held yesterday. Mark Lorenzoni's got a great recap of it in today's Progress (here); I particularly like the way that he personalizes the end of the article with mentions of various runners.
I ran it in 93 minutes; most years my time is around 83-85 minutes. Physically I was really hurting around miles 6-8 (particularly the downtown stretch) but felt so good to be in the midst of all the happy runners and spectators.
424. What is the root of the name "dogwood"?
I've been listening a lot the past couple of days to a song called "Cornbread and Butterbeans" by the Carolina Chocolate Drops. This is a fantastic song -- I just love the rhyming and the sound of their voices and instruments.