I just watched The Daily Show's take on Bobby Jindal's speech (as the official representative of the Republican Party) responding to Obama's speech before Congress Tuesday night.
I was absolutely stunned by how poorly Jindal did.
Politicians have a habit of speaking down to people (this was certainly my least favorite thing about Al Gore), but Jindal takes it to a whole new level. Jon Stewart compared his demeanor to Mister Rogers, and this was spot-on -- he was literally speaking with the tone of an early-elementary teacher.
99. Based on all the Jindal hype, I just cannot believe that he normally speaks like this. Does he? If so, how on earth has he become the Republicans' "next big thing"?
100. Did anyone in the national Republican apparatus vet this speech? If so, how did it get approved?
On a different note, Obama announced his budget plan today, and he focused on health care reform. He is going to reduce the amount of deductions that $250K + earners can take and also increase the top tax rate from 36% back to 39%.
101. I anticipate an enormous Republican backlash against raising taxes in the midst of the economic downturn. Will he be able to convince any Republicans to vote in favor of the increases?