When I saw the headline, I immediately assumed that the closure stemmed from the Meadowcreek Parkway project, but it turns out that City Council has decided not to make $15,000-$20,000 worth of required repairs to bring the pool into compliance with a new Virginia law called the Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act.
I remember mom taking us to the pool as kids. I think it used to get fairly crowded during the summer, and I'm trying to recall whether it's looked crowded the past few summers.
Dan, Tuck and I had a hearty debate this past weekend about McIntire Park and -- in particular -- the Meadowcreek Parkway.
I argued that it's irresponsible of Council to pave over a portion of the largest remaining green space in the city, particularly when our societal goal should be moving away from car-dependence (rather than accomodating the dominant role of cars in society). I am uncertain how I feel about the Parkway, but I definitely lean towards this position. Dan, though, argued vehemently that a nicely-done Parkway would actually increase people's use of -- and appreciation for -- the park, and to this end he pointed out that I rarely use the park in its current permutation and perhaps would do so, more, if access were easier.