Gall implies that Hamid Karzai is "all talk - little action" when it comes to the Taliban. Karzai's one explicit commitment is that he'll hold a "traditional tribal gathering," if re-elected, in order to discuss peace proposals; Taliban members and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar would be invited to the gathering.
Other perspectives:
- Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani (more about them here) are both focusing on the issue of engaging the Taliban and advocating a local focus: reaching out to local leaders in order to address their grievances.
- Kai Ede, the head of the UN mission in Afghanistan, is pushing for a comprehensive (top-down?) a solution. Ede says "There are those who believe you can do it locally, from province to province, district to district ... I don’t think that is the case, I think you have to have a wider process."
- The US and NATO -- according to Gall -- want to consolidate/strengthen their military position prior to fully engaging the Taliban.
285. Why does Obama think fighting, there, can solve their/our problems, when his focus is on talking elsewhere?