Saturday, September 29, 2012
On this week's Political Gabfest, John Dickerson chatted about the photograph above, which was taken in 1838. The scene is a street in Paris, and it took approximately 10 minutes to expose/take the picture.
The shoe shine and his customer in the left-hand corner are believed to be the first people ever photographed.
Questions about photos:
552. What is the most iconic photograph of the past 5 years? If you stretch the timeline to 2001, then several photos from September 11 are the most famous, but what about in the more immediate past?
553. I used to have an extremely strong emotion associated with picking up a package of photographs after they were processed: anticipation, curiosity, excitement. I love digital cameras but kind of miss this emotion (although there was also the disappointment associated with unfocused or otherwise awful pictures). Are there similar anticipation/curiosity experiences that I have nowadays?
554. Did people remember each other differently before photography? In other words, has the ability to capture a person's face and image changed the way that our brains think about other humans?
555. What percentage of magazine covers are photo-shopped currently?
556. Do more or fewer people make a living as photographers with the advent of digital photography?